Connecting Scholars Across the Roman World

 Roman bioarchaeology has occupied a liminal space in academia, oftentimes remaining betwixt and between, on the edges of Classics, Anthropology, and Archaeology. The International Congress on Roman Bioarchaeology was established in 2021 with the goal of promoting collaboration between scholars of different disciplines who work on topics related to Roman bioarchaeology. Despite its uncertain disciplinary position within academia, Roman bioarchaeology has demonstrated how the human landscape of the Roman Empire, proxied through skeletal remains, can contribute to a more comprehensive, nuanced, and individualized understanding of lived experiences during this transformative period. This conference brings together scholars and researchers working on sites across the Roman Empire in order to share ongoing research and new advances in the study of Roman bioarchaeology, including paleodemography, paleopathology, paleoparasitology, and molecularly anthropology.